Saturday, August 21, 2010

"What color is this?"

Excuse the narration on the and momma are reading book...I can't believe they aren't 100% focused on the magnificent deliciousness!
The action, the drama, lives lost, new ones created, it is better than Wild Kingdom.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Behind the Scenes at the Brewery...

Two in the can is worth...

more than one at the store.
So we now have two be-atches in progress. We cooked up a witty white wheat beer to join the IPA that now resides in the secondary fermenter shown here.
Deliciousness is only 5 weeks away...say WHAA?!

Monday, August 9, 2010

The wife probably thinks I'm up late drinking beer and watching porn. Obviously, the truth is even more disturbing...
The Texas Red continues to impress. Very drinkable and refreshing, which was not how I expected it turn out, but better to be surprised with something pleasant I reckon.
For the next batch, I'm thinking we should get a little mad scientist. Perhaps something with fruit, spices, or a metric ton of hops...

One enchanted evening

So I would like to say that I am enjoying a beer after memorizing this entire book and issuing myself a certified diploma of brew master science...but alas I am enjoying this beer I helped to make, that's gotta count for sumfin right?!

She lives...

and breathes!
This lovely lady will someday be 50 or so bottles of "Cluster Fuggle IPA".
Truth be told my man-partner (does that sound right?) chose this recipe on the basis of its wicked awesome name!

Army of darkness

The first...

git er done

Texas Red labeled, bottled and sampled.